
Who is Fasttrack

Fasttrack-Languages serves as a vessel to foster and project our students and teachers own passions, and clue in loyal readers as to what inspires us in this amazing world.


Our goal is to meet our students and support their learning and growing journey.

Fasttrack-Languages is inspired by the Montessori method and the Communicative  Approach  to find effective learning strategies and help our students develop language skills in all its forms.


In 3 years, the vision is to be the language school that can grant visas to students from other countries and positions itself as a generational academy for the community students

Hola, It’s me, Johanna

Happy to have you visiting us today!

I have learned with time that there are a few important things for me to share with you: I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, and a girlfriend. I am a WOMAN who sees and understand language as this powerful magic wand with so many functions, that, we as the casters can use as we want and need in life.


Language is evolution.

This mean of communication helps us grow as kind humans and free souls. Language goes beyond words. It embraces our cognitive learning, movements, gestures, music, dresscode, culture, food; everything that we are and everything that surrounds us.

We strive to follow the needs of our students and help them meet their learning goals through language.
